Old AutoStakkert!2 development notes (2012-2013)

New release notes

The notes on this page are old release notes of AutoStakkert!2. If you are looking for the latest notes (and download links) please click the link below.
The latest release notes

Changes - December 6, 2013
- Added support for simplified filenames as requested by Mr. Christopher Go (warning, multiple stacks not saved in folders are overwritten!!). Filename structure is: directory + user_defined_prefix + input_filename + extension.
- Also changed filename structure: directory + user_defined_prefix + input_filename + as2_defined_postfix + extension. - October 15, 2013
- Solved a bug causing random crashes mostly during image analysis and/or image buffering. This version SHOULD be much more stable than the version, updating from is highly recommended! - October 3, 2013 (Bremervörde)
- Added checks for memory consumption when just viewing frames and uses less memory when just viewing frames.
- Tweaked gaussian prefiltering options. Still highly unreliable though, needs more checking.
- Fixed ctrl + shift + s is stacking (was shift + s)
- Disabled clicking on stacking graph during stacking!!! - July 9, 2013
- Fixed regression bug not being able to open multiple files at once using the 'Open' button.
- (forgot to mention earlier: preview of SER details now in new Open dialog. Camera, number of frames, temperature, other camera settings, etc.) - June 21, 2013
- Horizontal blurring default value mismatch with control setting (5 instead of 1.5 when feature was enabled).
- Forced clean buffered images for analyses if horizontal or vertical blurring was used during alignment, but NOT used during stacking. - June 21, 2013
- Computer says no!
- Started support for video for window codecs, for AVI files smaller than 2GB. I can now open UT Video Codec files without having to convert them. - June 19, 2013
- Alt + left click, and Alt + right click draws an invisible line whose angle will be measured to rotate each image over.
- Several smaller interface tweaks (added delay between typing width and height and applying those values).
- You can now disable/enable frames from processing with the space bar.
- Grayscale images nog longer saved as RGB's.
- Added option to save last file with custom filename (File-Save stack As, or F12).
- Experimental feature: Support for Alt-Az field rotation compensation.
- Experimental feature: Two-pass Kappa-Sigma Clipping (not customizable).
- Experimental feature: Vertical & Horizontal (pre-)blurring to greatly increase stacking accuracy for horizontally aligned spectral images. - June 11, 2013
- Fixed width and height being remembered for surface recordings, it should only be remember for planetary recordings.
- Possibly fixed variable transparency correction crashes. - May 8, 2013
- Further improved performance for large amounts of APs.
- Frame window will now resize to fill the monitor to the right and bottom when dragged around.
- Taskbar icon now flashes after finished analyses and processing, but only if the application is NOT in the foreground window. Flashing stops when the window is in the foreground. - May 6, 2013
- Improved performance for MAP analysis. It is now multi-threaded.
- Improved performance for sorting frames for each AP. It is now multi-threaded.
- Fixed reading incorrect number of frames resulting in unexpected behaviour (some lock ups and/or access violation errors).
- Improved performance for large amounts of APs (between creating the reference frame and executing image alignment there could be a long delay when the number of APs was very big. I achieved a 30 times speed-up for that hidden delay.).
- Removed AP size 15 (will test the smaller AP sizes later). - May 2, 2013
- Added AP sizes 20 and 15. - March 1, 2013
- Fixed floating point division by zero error when loading darks or flats containing completely black channels.
- Added option to place Alignment Anchor really close to the edge of the FOV. Use with caution, it might lose track if placed outside the FOV. Set the Alignment Anchor with Ctrl+Shift+Click.
- Added option to place Alignment Point really close to the edge of the FOV. Use with caution, it might lose track if placed outside the FOV. Set the AP with Shift+Click.
- Added surface alignment "Jumpy Recordings" option, which produces a slower but more accurate surface alignment that might help for very jumpy recordings.
- Changed "Global Quality" check box to two Radio boxes named Local & Global to makes the meaning of this option more obvious. - February 11, 2013
- Fixed edge quality estmator not providing output, and making AS!2 unresponsive right after the image stacking phase. This bug was probably introduced in the version, likely not before that.
- Fixed MJPEG bug causing missing blue channel (images turned red). This bug was probably introduced in a previous 2.2 version. - February 4, 2013
- Fixed a bug causing (lots of) noise in certain patches when working in MAP mode.
- Fixed reading avis with very small heights and widths.
- Added support for 16-bit uncompressed color avis (5-bit per channel, 1 dummy bit).
- Fixed flat/darks not being directly applied whenever they were (de)selected. This was only a visual problem, internally the files were applied.
- (note to self: simplified some underlying algorithms regarding color data, I can now reuse many monochrome routines and rgb-specific routines become obsolete.)
- (note to self: moved RGB luminance building from stacking phase to before map processing.)
- (note to self: moved several image processing functions from main to tinyavi unit)
- (note to self: messed with folder scanning for images routine) - January 25, 2013
- Improved MOV support. Instead of writing bmps, it will now create an uncompressed avi file by attaching the extension '.avi'. This file is smaller than a list of bmps, and definately processes much faster. The file is probably HUGE though, and will not remain there unless you delete it manually. The original file will remain untouched.
- Added support for other file types as well (using FFmpeg: mov mpg mpeg mkv mp4 wmv and compressed avi files it can't read on its own!). You can change the list of supported files in the ini file under [input] -> FFmpegFiles. All the file types listed there will be coverted using FFmpeg into uncompressed AVIs before opening, UNLESS that has already been done before OR it was an avi file it could read without using FFmpeg. So it will ONLY use FFmpeg if AS!2 failed to read the file on it's own, and it wasn't converted already.
- Added support for batch processing of FFmpeg files. Warning, AS!2 will batch process ALL the files before processing them. This might take a lot of time and disk space. After all the files have been converted, AS!2 will behave as normal. If for whatever reason you want to convert a file using FFmpeg again, simply delete the latest .avi file.
- Changed minimal frame count for reference frame from 100 to 10.
- Fixed GUI bug (hint of text box for reference frame) - January 23, 2013
- Fixed rotation mess up destroying the images. Ah well, that is alpha.... - January 23, 2013
- Fixed mov support FFmpeg command line for files containing a space in their path. - January 23, 2013
- Added initital support for MOV file types. AS!2 does rely on FFmpeg being available. It can only open 1 file at the time (NO BATCH PROCESSING!). It will consume a lot of hard disk space (each frame is decoded into a folder of bmp files). The next time the same .mov file is opened, AS!2 will first scan for the folder containing decoded frames before trying to decode again.
- Reading directories of image files now uses alphabetical ordering.
- Updated GUI components. You can now manually enter a width, height, the amount of reference frames, and a frame number using text boxes.
- Applying flats and darks now multi-threaded.
- Using a single AP in multiple AP mode (the only mode available now) disables MAP Analysis and Recombination.
- Fixed Variable Transparancy Recovery not forcing new quality estimation (it basically didn't work properly if you clicked it after you had already analyzed/processed the same avi). It now correctly forces a new quality estimation.
- You can now drag and drop files on both forms, instead of just on the main form.
- Fixed displaying RGB files not showing dark and/or flat correction.
- Completely stripped the GUI of Single AP mode. This is including the 'Detail Validation' option, which might be brought back at a later time (if it is so requested). - November 28, 2012
- Added detection - and automatic rejection - of duplicate frames causing unwanted extra noise. These frames were likely dropped, but for some reason the previous frames was stored in the recording again. This completely messes with the stack signal to noise ratio.
- Slight interface tweaks, play/stop video button now always visible. - November 28, 2012
- Added support for BY8 avi files.
- Fixed YV12 avi files (flipped R and B channels). - November 14, 2012
- Rewrote (and possibly broke) FITS file handling. Fits are now automatically scaled (measured from the first image only!). If you run into any issues, please let me know.
- Added remember screen position when shutting down. Also multi-monitor support now.
- Changed Interface. Different fonts, slightly less empty space, and several minor fixes. I think it is an improvement, without changing the entire order of things.
- Added option to create calibrated master frame (using a dark. Handy when creating a calibrated master flat frame) next to creating a 'normal' master frame (for creating a normal dark frame). - Fixed reading AVI files reporting an incorrect amount of frames in the file (made by a QHY IMG0H camera, but I don't know the recording software).
- Fixed slow opening of files containing many frames. - September 19, 2012
- Added basic Play/Pause button next to frame slider to preview the open recording.
- Added vertical markers in quality graph at 25%, 50%, and 75%
- Changed how to change amount of threads for multi-core processing. This is no longer a menu item.
- MJPEG Support should now also work for non SSE2 processors (but slower!).
- Multithreaded AP quality determination and sorting of the frames. Slight performance increase when working with many APs and large images.
- Fixed subpixel compensation during multiple stacks MAP mode.
- Fixed not properly closing DeadPixels.txt file after reading.
- Surface and Planet settings are now correctly remembered.
- Fixed Auto Detect color type for bayered SER files.
- Fixed offset when stacking RGB recordings not applied on final stack.
- Code optimizations resulted in speed increase for surface image stabilization (30%), reference image creation (100%), image alignment (90%), and image stacking (44%). No changes in functionality.
- Size of APs are NO LONGER forced to be multiples of 8 (for future performance increase).
- Now uses default bottom right to top left data ordering for FITS files. It is the only image file format I found that uses this ordering. This means the image will be flipped in the Y direction compared to previous versions (this is how fits liberator and registax also read fits images). - July 27, 2012
- Size of APs are now forced to be multiples of 8 (for future performance increase)
- Fixed crash caused by feature RGB color file stacking (when trying to cancel processing during stacking phase).
- Fixed properly closing file that failed to open correctly.
- Started implementing native (no codecs required, and very fast) MJPEG support. Let me know if you find a MJPEG file that doesn't work. (p.s. if your camera can record raw uncompressed videos, this is MUCH better than using MJPEG! Lossy compression is bad, mmmkay! )
- Fixed avi file index problem, failing to open files with relative indices to the 'movi' indicator (ha, I bet you don't know what this means! If you couldn't open a supported avi file that should have opened, there is a good chance it will work now) - June 20, 2012
- Automatically send stacks to Registax or Photoshop. Should be turned into an option of course, and also support other software!
- It is now allowed to open a recording/image of just one frame. This might be handy to preview a frame. Stacking and analyzing still requires a minimum of three available frames!
- Rewrote reading of FIT files. There should be no more IO 32 error, and FIT files with large headers are now supported
- Allow more frames to be used for the reference image (= max(1000,numframes) )
- New: copy an 8-bit (!) bitmap version of the current frame to the clipboard using Ctrl + C (if you want to include any reference rectangles, use Ctrl + Shift + C instead). The frame WILL be centered according to the currently selected image stabiliser.
- Fixed failed to read 32-bit AVI frames (but WHY would you want to use those anyways...) - June 14, 2012
- Fixed '1 recording open' message after failed to open a recording.
- Fixed unable to open new files after creating a master stack.
- Fixed SER reading little endian format properly.
- Changed reading of SER files. Buffering is slightly improved. I don't expect any change for the user because of this, I just wanted to make a note for myself...
- Fixed reading AVIs comming out of WinJupos (they used to be misformed). I might have broken other avis though, so be ware and let me know if you find any problems. - April 21, 2012
- Optimised RGB color file stacking. There should be a performance increase when using RGB images/videos in MAP mode.
- Stacking multiple files in MAP mode is now possible (if you just want to create a single stack, make sure that you only fill ONE of the frame nr/percentage boxes with a valid number and set all the others to '0'!!!).
- Drag & drop folders of valid image files (jpg, bmp, tif, fit, pngs) should now work correctly.
- Fixed interface bug: after clicking cancel, AS!2 would still display 'processing'.
- Changed YUV invalid range error message.
- Fixed interface bug: image calibration menu seemed accessible during processing.
- Increased support for FIT files, including several new FIT file extensions: it will no try to open .FIT, .FITS and .FTS. If you find a FIT file that won't open, please send it to me!
- FITs can now also be used for dark/flat files. - April 2, 2012
- Fixed flat field calibration resulting in brightened images. - March 28, 2012
- Increased support for FIT files (8, 16, and 32 bit integer files should now be supported). - March 23, 2012
- Fixed repeating "No buffering override" message... for real this time... - March 21, 2012
- Fixed when switching to Single AP mode, AS!2 would not stack automatically (you had to manually place an AP first).
- Maximum size of the frame is set to 3000x2000, internal frame size limitations have been removed. Use the INI-file to further increase the maximum image size (the INI-file contains a maxWidth and maxHeight value). - March 20, 2012
- Made edge quality estimator more robust still. It will now still provide a meaningful quality estimator whenever it encounters missing information.
- Fixed some typos. - March 19, 2012
- Fixed bug in detecting horizontal and vertical artefacts, causing random lockups after analysing. - March 19, 2012
- Fixed regression bug: failed to open any image files (fit, bmp, tif, jpg, etc.. it would all show there were no frames available). - March 17, 2012
- MAP is now default stacking method (this basically saves you one click).
- The Quality per AP checkbox is replaced by another checkbox with the caption Force Global Quality which does exactly the oposite of the previous checkbox, the name should make it more clear that this option ideally should not be turned on (when it is checked: Force all APs to use same subset of frames (less detail, more robust to variable transparancy)). The function is only active in MAP mode.
- Some minor interface tweaks. - March 12, 2012
- Revealed hidden "Quality per AP" option. When checked (Default), each AP will use its own local gradient quality estimator (and thus each AP will have its own subset of frames to stack). When unchecked, a single global quality estimator is used, forcing each AP to use the same subsets of frames (the overall sharpness will likely be decreased, but it will allow seamless stacking of surface recordings under variable transparancy conditions!).
- Clicking in the quality graph will now show the frame at that position (similar to using the framebar in the frame window). Pressing ctrl+click in the quality graph, will also set the frame percentage to stack according to the position in the graph. - March 8 2012
- Regarding YUV avi files. AS!2 now makes use of a more conservative YUV -> RGB conversion scheme. This should remove clipping effects for certain YUV files (but also show decreased contrast on other YUV files). I would recommend to not use YUV for astronomical images in the first place, recording in RGB (or better yet, raw bayered b/w frames) makes more sense.
- Fix. Resizing the frame will now remove APs that fall outside the allowed region.
- Fixed file opening permissions to read-only, this allows to open more files that are already open in another program. Should have done this a long time ago.
- Interface Fix: changed stack at framenumber/percentage labels to hopefuly make a bit more sense.
- Interface Fix: frame numbers now run from 1 to #frames (which is what normal people like), instead of 0 to #frames-1 (which is what programmers like). - March 6, 2012
- Fixed frame offset issue when stacking multiple files in a row.
- Preview first frame during batch processing.
- Fixed limited maximum memory usage on 32-bit OS to a maximum of 2 GB (on a 64-bit OS the application can use up to 4 GB). Didn't work in version, a 32-bit OS could still use more than 2 gigabytes, which is NOT allowed.
- Added support for both Jpg (or Jpeg) and PNG files (just drag and drop, always make sure you load files of the same format only, and that have the same dimension!)
- Added create master stack option (for master flats or darks).
- Added image calibration options, both a master dark and/or flat frame can be laoded to calibrate your raw images. The resolution of these frames HAS to be the same as the resolution of the raw frames. The following filteypes are supported: PNG, TIF, BMP, JPG, and PSD(!) in either 16 or 8 bit formats (16-bit is recommended).
- Interface Fix: Opening new file will correctly reset processing times of previous file.
- Interface Fix: Clicking the open file button will not immediately close the previous file.
- Interface Fix: In surface mode the offset and image center are now longer shown (white and yellow cross near the center of the screen). - February 28, 2012
- Interface fixes (show filename without path of opened file in the bottom of the main window and as the caption of the frame view window. When hovering above the filename the full filepath will be shown. The total number of files opened is also listed.)
- Fixed placing too large APs in small images (an AP must now easily fit in the frame).
- Changed minimal image size to 96x96 pixels.
- Fixed output prefix text box is now actually always a prefix, wether the files are saved in folders or not.
- Changed from a static buffer to a dynamically allocated buffer to read in AVI frames. This allows for extremely large frames to be succesfuly read (e.g. 2592 x 1944 x 3 channels) without extra memory increases for those using normal resolutions ;)
- No longer showing a random frame when opening a new planetary imaging file, instead it shows the first frame.
- Fixed edge quality bug when using too small APs (it would hang at the end of Analysis)
- Limited maximum memory usage on 32-bit OS to a maximum of 2 GB (on a 64-bit OS the application can use up to 4 GB)
- Changed default priority of AS!2 to below normal. This has little effect to the processing speed, but it should make the system more responsive when you are also trying to perform other tasks during processing (like watching stupid movies on youtube... or making recordings)
- Fixed issue when reprocessing an entire batch of files when buffering was enabled (the program would wrongly think the first file was already buffered, which could result in either a program crash or wrong results)
- Fixed manually removing all APs now correctly disable the Process button.
- Interface Fix: enter percentage to stack during MAP mode automaticaly turns off the frame number option, and vice versa. So simply enter one of the boxes (left click) and type a % or frame number, and that is what is going to be stacked.
- Interface Fix: drizzling options better categorized (off, 1.5x, 3x)
- Edge quality checkbox changes now correctly forces new quality estimation.
- Changed drizzle filename convention (removed the . in the filename)
- Added error handling of opening/writing/closing the log-file (if it can't get access to the log-file, it will silently accept that)
- Fixed quality graph not drawing when visualisation was turned off.
- Edge quality estimator more robust against missing information or abrupt edges (e.g., when the planet is moving outside the FOV). - February 10, 2012 - 2:30AM
- Changed name of course alignment (typo, it should have been coarse) to Image Stabilisation, which makes a bit more sense.
- Added option to manually set coarse alignment window location in surface mode (You should set it around a feature that stays in the FOV at all times. Default setting works 95% of the time, but sometimes AS!2 surface alignment loses track because there is nothing interesting to see in the center of the screen). - February 9, 2012 - 1:34PM
- (regression Fixed repeating "No buffering override" message. - February 8, 2012 - 6:40PM
- First Attempt to make AS!2 aware of OS limitations on amount of memory available per process. There should be no more lockups caused by out of memory on 32-bit OS. - February 8, 2012 - 0:35AM
- Fixed 8-bit bmp file bug. - February 7, 2012 - 7:21PM
- Fixed frame nr at bottomm left, didn't update properly in batch processing.
- Fixed caption of frame view in batch processing.
- Fixed unable to press Cancel button in batch processing.
- Added some extra lines at the back of the quality graph at 0, 25, 75 and 100%.
- Tiffs are now saved uncompressed (instead of LZW). Should increase compatibility with processing software.
- Added support for 8-bit single channel bmp files - February 7, 2012 - 1:01AM
- Should be more stable now, especially for surface recordings containing bad frames.
- Automaticaly turn off bad frames with horizontal or vertical shifting artefacts (they should have a quality of 0 and be at the end of the quality list. Set TurnOffMisformedFrames=0 in the ini file if you want to turn this feature off).
- Speed increase for surface alignment (approximately 30% faster).
- Introduced two Surface options: 'Expand' will try to make the very biggest image stack possible, the edges will contain less frames (this was the default option). '100%' will crop the image such that each pixel will contain the same amount of data (the edges should be fine).
- Batch processing for surface recordings. When more than one surface recording was opened, when processing, for each frame all APs are replaced by a set of automaticaly placed APs (in a grid, just like when you press the grid button). - February 3, 2012 - 7:14PM
- Fixed surface alignment bug causing a lock up during buffering or image alignment. - February 1, 2012 - 6:08PM
- Now hard limited to using no more than 3 gigabytes of ram memory, if you still have issues processing large files try turning off buffering manually. AutoStakkert!2 is only a 32-bit application, so it will not be able to use more than 4GB of ram. AutoStakkert!3 will probably be a 64-bit application, and will be able to use much more RAM.
- Fixed drizzling bug for monochrome and raw images. Sub-pixel information was lost creating a huge amount of drizzling artefacts.
- Fixed issue where where it was possible to place APs outside image area when the input image was < 250 pixels in width or height.
- Fixed hang on MAP recombination when debayering certain raw files - January 29, 2012 - 11:11PM
- Fixed issue with AVI files containing dropped frames, it could cause noisy results in image stack.
- Fixed stuck on stacking during MAP no buffering when using Edge quality.
- Minor interface fixes.
- Quality graph now also shows unordered quality.
- Frame quality now relative to lowest non-zero quality (quality 0 is dropped frame).
- After analysis you can switch frame viewing mode between ordered (green label) or unordered frames (black label) by clicking on the label in front of the frame bar. - January 26, 2012 - 10:22PM
- Fixed "No buffering override". Changed behaviour from globally turning buffering off when there was expected to be too little memory available, to only turning it off during processing of one particular recording. - January 26, 2012 - 9:40PM
- Disabled placement of alignment points BEFORE analysing in Surface Alignment mode. - January 26, 2012 - 8:40PM
- Fixed "surface alignment" and "buffering" always being re-calculated when pressing the stack button in no buffering mode. - January 26, 2012 - 7:50PM
- Fixed stuck on 0% aligning when working in no buffering mode (caused by update). - January 26, 2012 - 6:12PM
- HUGE SPEED BOOST for MAP alignment - alignment between 3-12x faster, the more APs used, the bigger the change. I can align my solar recordings with 1000 APs in 18 seconds, where it used to take more than 200 seconds.
- Added Hints to all the settings (just hover above an active setting to find out what it means)
- Removed saved raw stacks option, a raw stack will now ALWAYS be generated.
- Changed priority of all threads to normal (it was one below normal)
- Displaying of quality details turned off when buffering is disabled and either edge detector or variable transparancy recovery was selected.
- Fixed memory leak. When buffering was disabled and users processed the same avi twice, creating a reference frame would fail. - January 22, 2012 - 8:51PM
- Disabled saving a default offset (when restarting AutoStakkert!2, the offset will be reset to 0,0).
- Disabled adjusting framesize of images in surface mode. It will simply stack the largest frame possible, which will be determined after analyzing.
- When operating in surface mode, alignment points can now only be placed AFTER analyzing.
- Alignment points will be reset when switching between planet and surface mode. - January 21, 2012 - 10:22PM
- Fixed Dynamic COG measurement error for over-exposed planetary targets (the background estimation would fail, causing a huge misalignment)
- Frame count now updates correctly during processing.
- An open recording now closes when opening new file(s)
- Drizzle is now always turned off when AutoStakkert!2 just opened (reason: drizzling should be the exception rather than norm) - January 20, 2012 - 11:50PM
- Some interface tweaks, nothing too exciting. - January 18, 2012 - 1:41AM
- Fixed some threading issues, potentially causing random lockups when working in MAP mode.
- This fix probably introduced some more bugs, so let me know if you find any!! - You can now use the mouse scroll botton to change AP size when hovering above the image. (combined with the left click to add and right click to remove, this makes playing around with different alignment boxes very easy) - January 15, 2012 - 3:38PM
- Fixed memory leak. There should be no more random lockups with relatively big files.
- Several interface fixes: it was possible to click some buttons during processing that shouldn't have been clickable. - January 14, 2012 - 5:05PM
- Fixed a bug where dynamic planet alignment failed to provide a proper course alignment when the average background value of the black sky around the planet was 0 (caused by either a wrong set of recording settings or mistreatment of the recording file through another application). This resulted in misalignment during both single and mutiple alignment mode. - January 14, 2012
- Fixed a potential bug when copying the previous stack to the the reference frame
- Frame window is placed right next to the main window when starting up AutoStakkert!2, instead of at a far away position to the right.
- Serveral small fixes not really worth noting - January 13, 2012
- Adding a manual offset could cause alignment problems.
- Disabled manual offset for surface recordings.
- Serveral small fixes not really worth noting

Reference Points Examples Below you'll find a couple of examples on how I would place my alignmentpoints along with a sharpened result of the stack (each stack sharpened very quickly in Photoshop, about 10 seconds per image... It's just to give an impression of the stack)

Jupiter and Ganymede in infrared light in poor seeing. Stacked 40% of 1 minute worth of frames

Sharpened result

Saturn in decent seeing using a color camera (raw format, debayering by AutoStakkert!2). Stacked 50% of the frames, probably shot in 2 or 3 minutes time. Data by Freddy Willems.

Sharpened result

The sun in white light, during a brief period of good seeing. Stacked 150 high quality extremely low noise frames using a fine grid of APs.

Sharpened result

AutoStakkert! is free for non-commercial use. Donations are of course appreciated, but certainly NOT required!