LRGB image of Mars. L is a combination of Infrared and Red light, with a little bit of blue added (about 30% using multiplication layer in photoshop).
Seeing was rather poor.
Meade Starfinder 10
LRGB image of Mars. L is a combination of Infrared and Red light, with a little bit of blue added (about 30% using multiplication layer in photoshop).
Seeing was rather poor.
Another RGB image of Mars.
Seeing was rather poor. I stacked about 500/3000 frames for each channel.
RGB image of Mars, with a synthetic luminance made up of R, G, B and Orange images.
Per channel I stacked about 400 out of 4000 frames in Registax.
Mars is still very tiny; under 7 arc seconds in diameter.
My first deepsky image in a while.
Luminance; 200 x 10 seconds, without any filters.
Red, Green and Blue: about 30 images of 20 seconds each with astronomik RGB filters.
Conditions weren't great; seeing was bad (that's why I didn't want to do planetary imaging..), and the moon and wind also didn't help much. But still, I like what can be done with this equipment.
Ir-RGB image of Jupiter. Probably my best so far.
Seeing was very decent for the low altitude (22 degrees)
L: 25% blue, 75% red
Red: ir-pass filter > 742nm
Green: red + blue
Blue: W47 + BG39
The animation consists of 18 different LRGB images in total (01:56 - 03:01 UTC)
maximum altitude: 23 degrees
My first image of Jupiter this year. I had to stay up for a long time to be able to spot Jupiter, and even then it was only a little over 13 degrees altitude.
In a few months I should be able to get some pictures of Jupiter at 20 degrees altitude, hopefully that will bring out some more detail.
The image is an Ir-RGB combination. Infrared images were taken with a baader Ir-pass filter combined with a baader uv/ir-block filter and the Toucam Pro II 840k b/w webcam. The combination of filters acts as a single deep-red narrow-band filter. I was hoping this technique would allow me to fight the seeing better.
The color information was taken from the spc900nc webcam and an uv/ir-cut filter.
I only had 15 minutes of imaging time before the next clouds were coming in. I managed to take this false colour RGB image of Venus. The seeing was very bad.
Red: Baader Infrared Pass
Blue: Wratten 47 + BG39
Green: (R + B) /2
A nice galaxy near Polaris. Also visible is supernova SN2008fv (just right of the center of the galaxy)
luminance: 127 x 15 seconds (Vesta Pro 680k)
rgb: 39 x 15 seconds (spc900nc)