Category 'Saturn' - image 1 to 10 (32) next


Despite the low altitude, the seeing was ok, especially in red light.

equipment used
40 cm Dobson made by Rik ter Horst


R-RGB of Saturn under good conditions, at least considering the low altitude (<25 degrees).

equipment used
40 cm Dobson made by Rik ter Horst


First image of Saturn of this Season. The seeing was rather poor, but nevertheless it was really nice to be imaging again!

equipment used
Meade Starfinder 10


Update: it appears it is actually possible to capture the hexagon shape on the north pole of Saturn! I went back to three infrared (>742nm) recordings I made this night (21:54, 22:04, 22:19 UTC), and it looks like the hexagon is there!


Despite the low altitude (30 degrees), I finally had some decent conditions to image Saturn.

equipment used
Basler Ace acA640-100gm
40 cm Dobson made by Rik ter Horst


Rather poor seeing conditions, but using an IR channel for lumininance did help a bit. Saturn is really difficult from my location this year. The altitude is < 30 degrees, and finding nights of good seeing has been very challenging lately.

equipment used
Basler Ace acA640-100gm
40 cm Dobson made by Rik ter Horst


Saturn and moons Rhea, Tethys and Dione (from top to bottom).

The image was shot in excellent seeing conditions, especially considering the low altitude of 34 degrees. Just an excellent evening for imaging Saturn...

Along with an animation in green light showing plenty of spokes in the b-rings of saturn. More animations will follow.

equipment used
Basler Ace acA640-100gm
Meade Starfinder 10

Saturn and Tethys

In pretty good seeing conditions.

equipment used
Basler Ace acA640-100gm
Meade Starfinder 10



Recording in red light, showing at least one spoke (and of course the very prominent Storm and some small disturbances 'in front' of the storm

equipment used
Basler Ace acA640-100gm
Meade Starfinder 10


RGB image of Saturn shot under pretty good seeing conditions.

And an animation in red light:

And green light:

Both animations show several spokes moving.

equipment used
Basler Ace acA640-100gm
Meade Starfinder 10


And an animation red light covering about a hour and 15 minutes. Several spokes can again be seen in the B-rings.

equipment used
Basler Ace acA640-100gm
Meade Starfinder 10
Category 'Saturn' - image 1 to 10 (32) next