Category 'Mars' - image 1 to 10 (36) next


Mars under decent seeing conditions, but even then I could only use about 10% of the recorded frames.

equipment used
40 cm Dobson made by Rik ter Horst


Again, cloudy Mars.

I imaged the same side of Mars, so I could make a small comparison between the two recordings.

Apart from many subtle changes in the cloud layout, I believe there is also a bit of dust movement near the polar cap.

And a small animation in green light.

equipment used
Basler Ace acA640-100gm
40 cm Dobson made by Rik ter Horst


Cloudy Mars.

Seeing was decent for only a short amount of time, but still there are plenty of things to see here! Olympus mons is the slightly dark spot surrounded by blue clouds at the right of the center. At the left of the center you can find Ascraeus Mons. If you want to find out what is what on Mars, check out, under planets, Mars, Apparent view. Enter a date and time, and simply hover over the features on Mars to find out what it is you are pointing at.

equipment used
Basler Ace acA640-100gm
40 cm Dobson made by Rik ter Horst


Slightly better seeing conditions this time.

And a small animation in red light:

equipment used
Basler Ace acA640-100gm
40 cm Dobson made by Rik ter Horst


Rather poor seeing.

equipment used
Basler Ace acA640-100gm
40 cm Dobson made by Rik ter Horst


Decent seeing, but it was very cold and windy.

equipment used
Basler Ace acA640-100gm
40 cm Dobson made by Rik ter Horst


My first decent image of Mars this season!

Processed using AutoStakkert!2, WinJupos and Photoshop.

And a small animation showing what appears to be a dust storm over the Xanthe / Ganges area:

And in blue light:

equipment used
Basler Ace acA640-100gm
40 cm Dobson made by Rik ter Horst

Mars in Blue

Resized to 200%. Seeing was pretty good.

equipment used
Modified with ICX618ALA-E ccd
Meade Starfinder 10


The animation consists of 17 sets of RGB data, manually aligned and processed in Photoshop. The images were shot between 21:21 and 23:16 UTC, March 9 2010.

Shot with the modified DMK21 camera with icx618ala ccd, at 1/54s for every channel.

equipment used
Modified with ICX618ALA-E ccd
Meade Starfinder 10


Mars between 21:22 and 22:36UTC

equipment used
Modified with ICX618ALA-E ccd
Meade Starfinder 10
Category 'Mars' - image 1 to 10 (36) next