The seeing turned slightly better later that night. I also played around with another processing (processed on June 7, 2011 using AutoStakkert!2)
Modified DK21AU04.as with ICX618ALA-E ccd
Meade Starfinder 10
The seeing turned slightly better later that night. I also played around with another processing (processed on June 7, 2011 using AutoStakkert!2)
And R-RGB image of Jupiter taken under variable seeing. The red channel was pretty good, and green was also pretty good for the small moon Io (it's easier to stack on a small target), but green and blue were poor for Jupiter itself. I think that is why the colors turned out a bit weird.
Io was moving towards the shadow of Jupiter, and when recording the blue channel for this image, it was already half-way gone. This makes the Io look more red than it should.
Jupiter under fair seeing conditions.
Seeing was pretty good, but not like it was on July 19.
Jupiter, Europa and it's shadow under good seeing conditions.
The seeing was pretty good today.
More images will follow (in the form of an animation I hope)
edit: reprocessed using multistakkert
In daylight again, first time imaging at F/32.
The moon passing in front of Jupiter is Io. The black dot is the elongated shadow of the moon.
Ir-RGB image of Jupiter in daylight. Jupiter was at 30 degrees altitude and the sun at 5 degrees altitude.
The seeing was pretty good in infrared, but RGB stayed behind on the details.
And an animation in infrared light:
Daylight imaging of Jupiter is possible, but especially the green and blue channels have really low contrast. For this image I used infrared + red as luminance.
A couple of minutes later (05:05UT):
And an animation in infrared (06:09 - 06:43 UTC)
Jupiter with Ganymede and its shadow.
At the top right edge you can also see the GRS.
Seeing was reasonable, but definately not great for the 21 degree altitude of Jupiter.