Category 'Venus' - image 1 to 10 (20) next


Venus in IR (Astronomik ProPlanet 807) and UV (W47 + BG39) light.

IR mapped as red, UV as blue, and green is a 50/50 combination of the two.

I used the 5x powermate (and a dispersion corrector) for a change, which pushed the focal length a bit further than usual (I usually image with a 3x and a filterwheel + ADC and then the camera)

equipment used
40 cm Dobson made by Rik ter Horst


Here is a comparison image of Venus on March 22 and 23.

In both cases I used UV as luminance (and UV = W47+BG39)

Then the RGB was mapped like this:
march 22: R-(g)-UV
march 23: IR-(g)-UV
where (g) is a synthethic green channel (just the average of the other two). On March 22 I didn't capture IR, so I just R for red ;) The IR and R recordings were very much comparable, as I didn't process them hard at all (so all the color information basically comes from the UV channel).

equipment used
Basler Ace acA640-100gm
Meade Starfinder 10


Here is a small animation in UV light (with a W47 filter) showing clouds moving rapidly on Venus. The animation spans only 35 minutes.

The still image shows Venus in UV-RGB.

equipment used
Basler Ace acA640-100gm
Meade Starfinder 10


Venus under excellent seeing conditions.

UV-RGB recording, with UV=W47+BG39 filer, RGB = astronomik rgb filters

equipment used
Basler Ace acA640-100gm
Meade Starfinder 10


The seeing seemed pretty decent, but the transparancy was very poor this evening. I only managed to take one quick run of images from uv, b, g, r to ir in a couple minutes time, before Venus disappeared behind the clouds completely. Attached is the rather soft looking RGB result.

equipment used
Basler Ace acA640-100gm
Meade Starfinder 10


Venus in poor seeing (altitude only 19 degrees)

equipment used
Basler Ace acA640-100gm
Meade Starfinder 10


Animation showing the differences in cloud structure in Ir and UV light

equipment used
Modified with ICX618ALA-E ccd
Meade Starfinder 10


Animation in infrared light (>807nm)
North is up (usually I have south up, but I\'m too lazy to change it ;) )

16:23 - 18:20 UTC

Through rgb filters:

equipment used
Modified with ICX618ALA-E ccd
Meade Starfinder 10


Animation of two stacks of recordings in infrared light (>807nm) taken 45 minutes apart.

You can see some cloud structures moving on the planet.

Seeing was not very good (but hurray for long wavelengths!), next time I hope the clouds don't interfere with imaging, because it would be nice to get a longer/smoother animation.

equipment used
Modified with ICX618ALA-E ccd
Meade Starfinder 10


False color image of Venus using an Ir-pass filter (>807nm) and a Schuler UV filter. Ir was used for luminance.

equipment used
Modified with ICX618ALA-E ccd
Meade Starfinder 10
Category 'Venus' - image 1 to 10 (20) next